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How to open oysters and the nutritional value of oysters.

★Nutritional value of oysters★
Oysters are called “sea milk”Effective for nourishing tonic.
Contains a good balance of high-quality protein, vitamins such as vitamins A, B1, B2, and B12, and minerals such as calcium, copper, and zinc.
It seems to be a nutritious food that condenses seafood.
Oysters contain a lot of taurine, a kind of amino acid.
Taurine has the effect of lowering blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood, helping to prevent hypertension and arteriosclerosis.
It also has a high iron content and is effective in preventing iron deficiency anemia, which is common in women.

In Europe, oysters have long been used as a stamina-enhancing food, not just delicious.
It works effectively for lifestyle-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis, liver disease, and heart disease, neurosensitivity, and loss of energy, and is also useful for restoring vision.

The source of female hormone (estrogen) is cholesterol, which is a lipid, and fat is an essential nutrient for women. And female hormones will decrease.
The source of female hormone (estrogen) is cholesterol, which is a lipid, and fat is an essential nutrient for women. And female hormones will decrease.

Estrogens are female hormones made in the ovaries of women, called “follicular hormones”. In addition to making the body more feminine, such as making the skin smoother, making the hair richer, and making it a tight breast, blood vessels and bones become stronger. It has the function of maintaining health such as improving the function of the brain and autonomic nerves, and also suppresses the generation of active oxygen by antioxidation, keeps the elasticity of the blood vessels by acting on the blood vessel wall, and improves the lipid metabolism There is also work, and anti-arteriosclerotic effect.
In addition, it seems to have the function of suppressing bone resorption (preventing bone breakage), promoting bone formation, and maintaining bone mass. It is a hormone that plays an important role in the living body.

☆ القيمة الغذائية للمحار ☆
إنه غذاء مغذي يحتوي على توازن جيد من البروتين عالي الجودة والفيتامينات مثل الفيتامينات A و B1 و B2 و B12 والمعادن مثل الكالسيوم والنحاس والزنك بطريقة متوازنة.

Bahasa indonesia
★ Nilai gizi tiram ★
Tiram sangat efektif sehingga disebut “Susu Laut”.
Tampaknya menjadi makanan bergizi yang mengandung protein berkualitas baik, vitamin seperti vitamin A, B1, B2, dan B12, mineral seperti kalsium, tembaga, dan seng secara seimbang dan mengembunkan makanan laut.

★ 牡蠣の栄養価 ★





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#how to open oyster
#Nutritional value of oysters
#كيفية فتح المحار
#Cara membuka tiram


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